lördag 29 januari 2011

Why I am tired of Java

Recently I have partly gotten tired of developing in Java, because the language won't allow me to make the constructs that I want to do. Just recently I made some big refactoring of a test framework I designed for testing REST web applications. I am not particularly proud of the design I have made, but my knowledge of Java didn't allow me to come up with a more practical solution.

So I have one super class which all test case classes inherit from, this class implements several convenience methods as well as life-cycle methods for handling setup and tear-down of needed clients and resources. I use TestNG as a unit test framework, so the life-cycle handling is pretty straight forward, I just setup the http client I use and the spring JdbcTemplate for database access, so far so good. So we had this requirement that the tests should be written using as little code as possible so I made a compromise by implementing assert methods that actually perform the http calls as well as assert the response, ugly I know. But we also have assert methods that check the database with the response and so on. Here is where I get to the problem where I do not really like Java. How do you construct a test case super class with all these assert methods still have a class that is pure, readable and not polluted by code that really don't belong there?

If I could have split the http calls from the assertion of the response I know I could have used the regular convention of static imports. I could have done my RestAssertions class which asserts a http resonse, so I guess I have to suffer for my pragmatic approach and bad design. Lesson learned, you should never compromise with design, or should you? From my limited knowledge so far about Scala and Ruby, they at least have a language construct that allows you to do such a design in a natural way, traits/mixins. When looking at Java I can't really see how to solve this. I ended up using composition where I could.

The test case class is like a wrapper for different Client and Utility classes. I have a DBUtil class implementing db related asserts, and I have a RestClient class implementing http call method and response related asserts, and they all have their wrapper method in my test case super class. This way I at least minimized the amount of code in the super class, and by such made it more readable. So if anyone know a better solution for tackling this design problem, please let me know.

If I start over I would have kept assertion methods pure, it would have made the tests contain more lines of code, but it would have made the underlying classes more readable and maintainable. But still, if I had gotten the choice I would have loved to try to implement this in Scala. I think if I had gotten enough time for development and also got some time to delve deeper into Scala I might have been able to create a small DSL for testing REST web applications, which even would made writing tests so much cleaner and more approachable by test developers.

So for the time being I'm gonna live with this design, and let it be. However as I am trying learn Scala at my spare time, I would love to try to do something similar for Scala. We will see in the future if I will take time to pursue it.

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